Hardware knobs for eq

  • How about assigning the 6 knobs above the display ( MOD-DEL-REV) to the parametric and graphic eq's?

    That way we'd have immediate hardware control over all parameters. No paging.

    E.g. for the parametric:

    Top row...mid 1 and 2: gain 1 - gain 2.....freq 1 - freq 2.....q 1 - q 2 Or: gain 1 - freq 1.....q 1 - q 2.....freq 2 - gain 2

    Bottom row...low and high: gain - freq - freq - gain

    The graphich eq would have all 10 bands covered (just noticed there are only 8....room for two more! :-))

    At least I would love having such immediate control! Just hate paging when eq'ing, and like being able to adjust several bands/parameters simultaneously.
