A cool experiment

  • I only just started profiling my own amps, hopefully with good results. Sounds great in the studio, but the acid test for me is how the profile will work live.

    Here's what I really liked. I profiled my Friedman HBE and my old, modified Marshall DSL. The cabinet is a Port City OS 212 with Scumbacks (m&h75). I found the sweet spot on the speaker I favoured, which with these two amps was the M75, and went for it with the only mic I have, an SM57, which I tend to choose live anyway.

    I did a bunch of profiles, adjusting mic placement and amp eq as I went along and got a couple of profiles I think sound great -- spot on compared with the original amp. The fun thing started when I fed the profile back into my Matrix poweramp with cab sims off, and out from the Matrix back into the cabinet I profiled. The sound was extremely similar to the direct sound from outputs one, much more so than I had hoped for.

    At some clubs I play I miss the rumbling of a cabinet, and running FRFR always sounds thin, which has nothing to do with the quality of the Kemper (it's the same with my Axe 2). This way I can bring my Matrix amp and my Port City and have the same sound on stage from my speaker cab as I have through the PA.

    Or at least I hope so. Will try this at a gig tomorrow, but if it works as it did in my home studio, this will be a sweet rig! ;)

    Edited once, last by Boanerges (October 8, 2013 at 8:49 AM).

  • I didn't make backups of the profiles, so they're still on my Kemper. But as soon as I do, I will post them on rig exchange. Will try to make a couple of clips as well so that you can hear them as I hear them; if there's one thing I've learned from owning the Kemper it is that a profile that sounds good to one person doesn't sound all that great to another ;)

  • Jeg er hypp på å teste ut profilene dine hvis du har muligheten for å sende meg dem på mail.

    Fett å se at det endelig står Norway på noen av brukerne!