Profile Auditing from USB

  • Hi everyone,

    Sorry if this has already been pointed out or suggested, but I think it would be a nice addition for future FW updates and in case it's technically feasible, to be able to browse profiles inside a folder in a usb drive and load them momentarily for evaluation (one by one at worst) so you can decide wether to store a profile on your kpa or send it to the ditch.

    Considering the ample and ever increasing offer of quality profiles, and also the limited (although generous) number of them we can store in our KPA at any given moment it would make things a lot easier being able to access a usb archive of profiles and test them before storing them in the internal memory.

    As I said sorry if this has been already put on the table, but I had to ask.



  • I assumed such a feature would probably had been requested before. AS for the technical feasibility I guess that feature would require the implementation of usb browsing (not present yet) and some sort of buffer or temporary memory slot to load the profiles to, as well as the various operations with the profile: Save, delete, rename, edit... etc... I used to have an Axe FX ULTRA and while connected via midi to Axe Edit (LIbrarian SW) it was possible to load a preset on the Axe FX without actually sending it and storing it in the unit, you loaded the preset on the librarian and it would show up in your unit, being able then to save or discard it.

    I hope this gets implemented, it's so much better than having to load succesive batches of XXX profiles to your usb, import them all and then delete those you're not interested in....