Export Rigs from Performance Mode to USB

  • As we use the performance to store and organize the rigs, we can delete them from the pool...
    The "store to pool" allows to get back a rig in the browser pool, one by one...
    But what if we want all of them back ?
    Don't we need some kind of "Export Rigs" available from the performance mode to get back all our rigs stored only in there ?

  • +1 for me on that one, I have already asked for it!

    This was my old request... waht do you think about it?

    Still missing for me is the function "export rig or rigs on the USB stick" directly from the performance mode. It would be very useful in my opinion to have direct access to this option from the performance, also because in the backup file the rigs of the performance are "hidden" in the "kipf" file and are not visible, so if you want to share a rig with others or use it for any other reason out of the box it is not more readable from the USB backup like before.

  • +1 with your original request...
    It may be much more easy to implement in a next firmware release, while we're waiting for a librarian software with an advanced management of rigs and performances ;)

    here's the code :
    for perf=1 to performances.Count
    for slot=1 to 5
