Ken Susi (Unearth) Do you want to know how to use your Kemper without a control board?!!?

  • Call me crazy, but I honestly think its rude, and borderline inappropriate to ask a touring professional who makes his living making music to release his profiles. These are his signature sounds guys, that he makes his living on in a way...He is probably fully aware people would love to have his shit, and if he was going to share them, he would not need to be prompted by anyone to do so, as if he wasn't aware people would like to have his shit. Give it a rest. Any knowledge Ken wants to share here, great, leave it at that. In other words, IT AINT HAPPENIN. Let it go...

  • Call me crazy, but I honestly think its rude, and borderline inappropriate to ask a touring professional who makes his living making music to release his profiles. These are his signature sounds guys, that he makes his living on in a way...He is probably fully aware people would love to have his shit, and if he was going to share them, he would not need to be prompted by anyone to do so, as if he wasn't aware people would like to have his shit. Give it a rest. Any knowledge Ken wants to share here, great, leave it at that. In other words, IT AINT HAPPENIN. Let it go...

    From what I have read no one has been rude when asking. Totally understandable if he doesnt want to release his profiles. One of the reasons for Kempers success is the fact that people with awesome rigs profile there stuff and share. :thumbup: All good if he doesn't want to share. I understand he has a lot of time and money invested into crafting his tone. Either way nice to see more artists using the Kempers.

  • From what I have read no one has been rude when asking. Totally understandable if he doesnt want to release his profiles. One of the reasons for Kempers success is the fact that people with awesome rigs profile there stuff and share. :thumbup: All good if he doesn't want to share. I understand he has a lot of time and money invested into crafting his tone. Either way nice to see more artists using the Kempers.

    I agree with everything you said 100 percent. And I agree no one has come off as "rude" per say, but I think alittle common sense goes a Long way here.

  • I still think it is not rude or against common sense in any way to ask if he would be sharing some of his rigs at some time. Nobody demanded it from him, just asked and there have been other artist rig packs in the past and will be in the future. Why shouldn't be there the chance of having a Ken Susi rick pack (he has been a Kemper user and supporter for a long time) and what makes it rude to ask if there is a chance for that. It would be rude not to respect Ken's decision not to give aways his rigs, but as far as I can tell everyone here fully understood and no one complained about it.

  • Call me crazy, but I honestly think its rude, and borderline inappropriate to ask a touring professional who makes his living making music to release his profiles. These are his signature sounds guys, that he makes his living on in a way...He is probably fully aware people would love to have his shit, and if he was going to share them, he would not need to be prompted by anyone to do so, as if he wasn't aware people would like to have his shit. Give it a rest. Any knowledge Ken wants to share here, great, leave it at that. In other words, IT AINT HAPPENIN. Let it go...

    Do you even know what you're talking about? ? You are aware that in another Kemper video Ken made, he referenced that he would be making his tones available on the Kemper website? Maybe that has changed now, but I think that is why people are asking. No need to get your panties in a wad. There is nothing rude or inappropriate about it.

  • Do you even know what you're talking about? ? You are aware that in another Kemper video Ken made, he referenced that he would be making his tones available on the Kemper website? Maybe that has changed now, but I think that is why people are asking. No need to get your panties in a wad. There is nothing rude or inappropriate about it.

    Do YOU even know what you are talking about? Ken and i have quite a few mutual friends pal, trust me, If he's anything like they are about their kempers, it AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. Sorry this hurts your feelings, just telling you how it is.. I'm very well aware what ken said in an earlier video, believe it or not, people SAY alot of things bud, look at the reality here though.

  • Do YOU even know what you are talking about? Ken and i have quite a few mutual friends pal, trust me, If he's anything like they are about their kempers, it AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. Sorry this hurts your feelings, just telling you how it is.. I'm very well aware what ken said in an earlier video, believe it or not, people SAY alot of things bud, look at the reality here though.

    Alright, everybody needs to chill out now :thumbup:

    I think it would be great if people share profiles. The more people that do it, the better, but if someone doesn't want to, we should respect that. There are a lot of nice people out there putting up profiles of great amps on the rig exchange and I'm sure those same guys are thinking all the time about the next awesome amp to profile or how to refine an existing profiling process.

    It's one of the reasons I'm hoping the Kemper Amplifier company provides us with new rigs in the days and weeks and months ahead! I'm sure they can take a leaf out of the book of some of the professional profilers here, or maybe even commission them to create new profiles.

    I don't think it's rude or inappropriate to ask someone for his profiles though. Ken can just come out here and say, "Sorry guys, this is my signature tone..." and ten to one most of us will just go ask someone else for a profile, or buy one, or create our own. No big deal.

  • Just like to add to what fluff191 was saying (is this the same fluff on youtube with metal profiles on the rig exchange?):

    If everyone was secretive about their profiles, there'd be no sharing and no new kicks a day for guys like me that couldn't access amps like that.

    +1 to the guys that share. Quite selfless of you and a big credit to the music scene worldwide. That's the brotherhood everyone talks about but that few really walk and talk. We know who shares and cares stuff that isn't pirated!

    Oh, +0 to the guys who don't. We're ambivalent to your tone if we can't have it! And I mean that strictly tongue in cheek! :P

  • Perhaps we should be more clear when we're asking for things. There's a big difference between "could you share that profile you made for that cool YouTube video I just found" and "could you share the profile you used on your new album", for example. Or maybe you happen to know that he's got some rare amp that there aren't any existing profiles for - looking at YOU here, Jon Schaffer from Iced Earth. Grrrrrr.