Metal soundtrack style with Diezels and a Supro

  • Hi Alexander, I am not a huge fan of metal anymore.. I liked especially old albums of Van Halen, Def Leppard, Rainbow, Deep Purple and White Lion´s Pride album ecc.. but I like your idea in progress, I find here the emotions.. in my opinion: continue and finish it!!

    maybe I would do the first part a bit longer and after finishing that metal part would turn back to the first part from another point of view.. only my first impressions and thoughts, but important are those yours, so good luck with finishing this song! :thumbup:

    ps: let us here the final version when it is ready! ;)

  • Thanks Hallan for taking the time to listen. I'm pleased you could hear some emotion :)

    I'm not so much a metal head as I was but I still like it. This is an old idea from my original band days that never got recorded and I always wanted it too. It will defo get finished.