In search of that one cursed sound!

  • Hi there,
    one of my favourite bands recently released their first album and the guitar sound was just amazing, since then I was on the lookout for that particular sound. I know the guitarist used a Bogner Uberschall with a Mesa Cab - so I tried a bunch of profiles but none of them were even close to the sound. I realize that probably a lot happend in the post prod but it would still be great to get that sound. So now I figured I might just ask here in the forum because some of you might actually have heard that kind of sound before and know which profile gets close to it.

    Here is one of the songs:

    Anyhow - thanks in advance for any suggestions!

    Ps: I don´t know if this is the right sub-forum to ask that question ?( - if it is the wrong one - I´m horribly sorry, please let me know!

  • According to the equipment listing in the video they used an U87 mike on the recto cab. Since most people like a SM57 with it´s mid hump with recto cabs, the LDC mike will make a big difference here. You can try my cab pack since i also used a LDC with the recto cab. Combine with an amp that has a high definition value and try which cab works best for you. The guitar sound on that recording also seems to be quad tracked which adds more of that "sawing" tone. The player also used a more "Djent" playing style with the palm of the right hand positioned a little more towards the neck.

  • According to the equipment listing in the video they used an U87 mike on the recto cab. Since most people like a SM57 with it´s mid hump with recto cabs, the LDC mike will make a big difference here. You can try my cab pack since i also used a LDC with the recto cab. Combine with an amp that has a high definition value and try which cab works best for you. The guitar sound on that recording also seems to be quad tracked which adds more of that "sawing" tone. The player also used a more "Djent" playing style with the palm of the right hand positioned a little more towards the neck.

    Alright, gonna try that! Thanks a lot for the suggestions!